Friday, 5 May 2023

Two Beers and a Puppy

Those who know me, know I'm passionate about Leadership. This post below is not new (first published in 2015!), but it floated through my socials again and I felt like some of you might appreciate it.

It comes from the book by Ross McCammon titled: Works Well with Others: An Outsider's Guide to Shaking Hands, Shutting Up, Handling Jerks, and other Crucial Skills in Business that No One Ever Teaches You. This is not a book review; I've only skimmed a few chapters myself (my TBR pile is significantly taller than I am) but I can say what I've read is a light fun read, easily accessible, and makes some good points. It is also helpful for people who occasionally struggle to figure out what the "right" answer is when dealing with differing personalities. This is one such example for helping identify how you actually feel about a colleague. Once you know that, you can choose the best path forward. Let me know your thoughts!

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Impostor Syndrome

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